The Voice

It warms my cockles how much y’all dig these music posts.

It makes me rock back and forth rubbing my knees grinning uncontrollably while looking from side to side.

So I’m going to redouble my efforts and post several thousand a day from now on.

No really. It’s the least I can do.


Put the cross down shaman. Turn to the master!


The Voice – Ultravox:

11 thoughts on “The Voice

        1. What’s th./..?
          N, n ,n,never
          listens to the preciouses?
          Oh I’m so furious now.
          The final insult!
          If only I had time I’d write a furious post and post hundreds more songs in protest!
          Alas I have much to do outside the blogiverse, so I’m just going to have to convert that fury into vacuuming, assembling furniture and other mundane chores!

          Actually, now I think about it, I don’t listen to the songs either – they’re all rubbish. I have terrible taste.

          Liked by 3 people

            1. Yes, I am a lucky man indeed.
              In light of this new information, I will take a little cat o’ nine tails around with me, and I’ll flagellate myself as I push the Hoover around.
              I’ll try t stub my toes often as well and vacuum up loose bits of string and rugs to make the Hoover jam and make horrible sounds.
              That should even the balance up.

              Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s a coincidence Irina – you’re the person with the best taste I’ve communicated with in a long time!
      Ha ha, you’re too kind though really. I know I’m just a nincompoop. When my blog goes world famous, which let’s face it is inevitable the way things are going, I will remember you along with my LEGION other original fans. I will mention you on the chat shows and press junkets. “Of course I wouldn’t be here today, without Irina’s constant encouragement …”

      Liked by 1 person

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