As You Are – Travis

That’s right gangbangers – time for your first song recommendation of 2018.

Here it comes!
Open wide and let the choo choo train into the tunnel!

Travis is the only band I’ve seen whose live performance sounded just like their records. Brilliant band, brilliant music, brilliant front man, brilliant show they used to put on. They could even still be going for all I know but this was a long time ago now before the microfiche incident and the gulag … I’ve said too much.
We’re talking 90s; the last decade hewn by God’s own hands from the quarry of FUCK YEAH!

And what a decade it was … Lie-ins, and ciders and Blairs. Oh my!

This is my favourite Travis song – As You Are. Listen to it, love it exactly as I do. or else you’re banished from my blog forever. And take him with you too. No not him, he’s alright! The smelly one with the comb-over and slip-on shoes, the one picking his nose. NO, NOT ME!!! It’s my blog for heaven’s sake!!! Oh you are awful, BUT I LIKE YOU! Anyway – to the song! … :



10 thoughts on “As You Are – Travis

    1. Guilty as charged! I had them locked in a biscuit tin since 2004. If I can’t have them, no one can!!!! Still, now you know! Off the top of my head, other good songs are Writing to Reach you, Why Does It Always Rain on Me, Side, Sing, Turn. There are more but those are my faves.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. nooooo that wy itchy eyeballs lie! So am I! I’ve already written the test questions and had them approved by an official examining body. The local school says we can use their sports hall for the exam and the mayor will be invigilating. If you fail, you will be condemned to attend my special school where I will correct your musical overpromising ways!

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