66 thoughts on “Me-ow

        1. Ohhhh you know what it might be a British saying that hasn’t travelled across the pond. If someone says something that could be taken a rude way, people here sometimes follow it up with “as the bishop said to the actress”(or vice versa).
          If you don’t know the saying I suppose it just sounds strange!


        1. Well, it’s true but if you list them, I will stash them somewhere until Im free to have a look. I like good music. Just don’t be too hard on me if I don’t get round to it cos my memory is a bit addled at the moment! Like a gold fish. SHIT I just remembered something I promised someone and forgot …

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              1. I can’t ever understand fully what you’re going through and I won’t pretend to except what you share but I understand the impacts of it from what I’ve read or heard. Obviously we are dealing with different animals. But wit so much going through my mind that I can’t switch off, I am constantly trying to stay busy to keep avoid the flashbacks. But my mind is on constant overdrive ALL the time. Can’t shut it off; can’t sleep even. I’m sorry and I hope you’re wrong too.

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                1. Its hard to describe how it affects me these days. When it was bad I was living 2 lives at the same time, badly. My 24/7 OCD life(apart from sleep though it could get there too if it wanted) and my normal life. The normal life started suffering to bring the resources needed for the OCD life.Not pretty. An ugly spiral. Then I lost everything and then found out I had OCD. Then the revolving doors with therapy etc, then realisng youve got it for life and got to make the best of it, now trying to pick up the pieces. It’s still there. I had to drive across the city today and back with one eye on the road and one eye dealing with whatever curveballs my own mind was tossing me out of whatever was available. IT really does vary. Another day, not so much, another day so much I am literally good for nothing for the rest of the day. Normal people find this so hard to get their head around. Cos they have never experienced anything like it in their lives and they cant SEE anything apart from a worn out asshole obviously! But I’m doing better than some. Under certain circumstances, Im OK. I just dont get to call the shots on that.
                  Honestly yours sounds worse. I can sleep, though my hours have become utterly bizarre as a result of this thing.
                  I find balancing the requirements of modern life with this thing extremely difficult. I simply cannot keep up with everyone else. I cant do the same pace. Not when Im doing 2 things at once. I become ill and exhausted trying. The establishment here aint prepared to accept that. They say there is a cure(utter bullshit) and if I am not cured then it is my fault. When the establishment makes itself your enemy, there’s nowhere to hide. Life becomes … interesting.

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                  1. Interesting is not how I’d describe it but perhaps you have a better spin on it. It feels like torture. It’s exhausting. And I would met necessarily say mine is worse. Maybe different. It’s all crappy and misunderstood by the outside world. And I get the having to manage the normal world (driving) whilst whatever comes flying into your head. It’s exhausting and terrifying and for me, hopeless somedays, most days. It’s a lonely place living in my head somedays.

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                    1. When I say interesting I really mean challenging 😉
                      YEs honestly I understand all of that. Seems to me there’s a fair bit in common with Pure O and PTSD. FWIW when I was searching for what was wrogn with me over the years, I dismissed OCD more than once(given the available desciptions then to do with hand washing and symmetry and stuff) and the closest match was PTSD but as my bad thoughts didnt really centre on specific bad events in the past, more themes, it also wasnt a match. But the symptoms are remarkably similar I think. I bet you a pound a penny it all gets redefined in future anyway. Maybe they’ll find overlaps.
                      In the meantime, suffice to say I dig a lot of what youre saying sister 😉

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                    2. Hmmm I wonder if it’s more American. Interesting. Canada made the penny obsolete a couple years ago. How’s that for an interesting fact that you’ll NEVER need to know?

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                    3. Well I thought it was British cos we use pounds and pennies here. But I don’t mknow. I thought Brownie points was a British thing too and then found out it was American. So who knows. The QUeen’s probably American. I’m living a lie.

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                    4. So wrong. Yes. Bassetts. We have an imports store in Whistler (mountain resort) that carries a few of their candies but not all. I guess I could always order online. I had a Scottish boss once and she was so particular about her tea from Marks and Spencer’s at a certain time in a certain manner. But they went bankrupt. And she didn’t come to work for three days.

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                    5. I’ll accept that failure wholeheartedly. Gladly turning in my elbow patches, tobacco pipe, and riding boots as well then. Scotch is like pure fire from the inside out.

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                    6. Ha ha its ok – I didnt really expect you to like Scotch. I hardly ever drink it now. Last time was last christmas. I rarely drink at all these days. Well apart fromt he blood at night but that’s more a medical requirement at this point.


                    7. Ha I know what you mean. I feel like a right numpty of late. It’s a shame we live in a world where we are measured by our material acquisitions.
                      I’m not sure if I’m smarter than I look. I think I look pretty stupid. So maybe.


                    8. How I feel. So then I always feel smarter than I look. No more negative self talk. Though I literally in the last hr just got my hair chopped off so I feel like a soccer mom sans children and minivan. No Bueno.

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          1. I get the memory thing. Struggling with it also which is frustrating as hell. Especially when I never forgot anything and was a public speaker and rarely used notes. Makes me want to scream some days. Go do your thing you promised and stop talking to me.

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            1. Its becoming a problem for me. Unless I write it down and pin it to my forehead, theres every chance itll get instant;y forgotten. That thing I just told you about that I forgot – I went to do it, forgot all about it and did 2 other things instead!!! So Im in a loop here!Someone said OCD has this effect oin your memory. I hope so cos otherwise Im doomed!

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              1. I have a daily to do list. But the problem is I’ll forget to look at it and end up transferring things to the next day. I’m constantly late for things… I keep wanting to scream at people that this is NOT ME!

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                1. oh jesus tell me about it. Punctuatlity is just embarrassing with me. I set aside the time I think I need for a shower and getting ready and somehow I always end up late anyway. Unexpected guests of the worst kind!

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          1. Yeah it’s too bad you can’t DM like on Instagram or other social media which I generally shy away from because of drama. I have email but that’s your call. And isn’t it your night?

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            1. I shy away from social media too. Everyone hates me cos Im not on twitter or facebook or all those new ones. Email is fine for me. Or letters. Or a telegram. I tell you what – I shall drop you an email. Then whenever you fancy a chat about PTSD or haggis, you have a direct line 😉

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              1. Yeah agreed. The only downside is that I miss out on a lot of news on loved ones out of the city, country, continent, and that stinks. But the negatives still outweigh the positives for me. Too many triggers. Telegram? I prefer carrier pigeon. Yeah sounds good.


                1. Well that is ashame. I admit it’s good for that or skyping people abroad. But the rest – cats in socks and pictures of ugly new babies and gossip. Pfffff who needs it.
                  God damn. Well played madam. I thought it was impossible to trump a telegram. I didnt think it through.

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                    1. All the family that I am actually in touch with is in other cities or countries so FaceTime or Skype has been great.


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